We do not inherit streams from our Ancestors, 

We rejuvenate them for our Children

Now in its 5th decade, the Coho Society of the North Shore is a volunteer, environmentally based organization registered under the Society Act of BC committed to supporting the protection and revitalization of North Shore salmon streams and rivers.

The objective of the Coho Society is to raise public awareness of current and potential threats to local waterways and fisheries and educating about the need to resolve these issues through protecting, enhancing and restoring salmonid habitats. The Coho Society helps to support volunteer-managed fish hatcheries and local environmental groups involved in stream protection. This work is done through partnerships between community stewardship groups, local government, First Nations and the business community, and concerned citizens.

The Coho Society is also involved in salmonid culture programs in North Shore schools and participating in the Adopt-A-Fish event.

It is a community-wide effort to bring wild salmon back in ever-increasing numbers to North Shore streams and rivers.

The Society organizes and runs an annual Coho Festival at Ambleside Park the first Sunday in September. The festival is presented as a Celebration of Nature’s Annual Miracle of Salmon Returning to North Shore Rivers and Streams.

Besides sending an important environment message, the purpose of the festival and the Society’s is to raise funds for the local environmental groups involved in stream protection and salmonid enhancement activities. Over the years, the Society has donated over $750,000 to these projects on the North Shore.

These results would not be possible without the efforts of many volunteers and the generosity of our sponsors.

The Coho Society is managed by a Board of Directors comprised of individuals elected by the members and those appointed by government and business organizations. Appointed directors include representatives of the three North Shore Councils, both School Districts, Squamish Nation, Greater Vancouver Regional District, Canada Fisheries & Oceans and North and West Vancouver Chambers of Commerce, all of whom place a high priority on protection of the environment.


The Coho Festival Returns, September 8, 2024

More info about Coho Festival